Duality – all one and yet contradictory

We all know how a battery works.

Two different charge carriers generate a voltage potential and this voltage potential allows electrical energy to flow.

We also have such a potential in our body. We have our root chakra above the pelvic floor as a pool and the Ajna chakra, in the middle of the forehead, as the other. In between there is a potential of tension, the Kundalini. The energy that flows is either electric (masculine, Pingala), or magnetic (feminine, Ida). That which flows is called prana (chi, qi, orgone) and the freer the path between the root and forehead chakra is, i.e. the more active the chakras in between, the stronger the prana flows. Although Kundalini represents the potential and not the energy itself, it has become common in spiritual circles to speak of a flowing Kundalini. Kundalini is only one aspect of our human duality. There is another.

One speaks of negative energy when someone is full of pain, fear or even hate and of positive energy when someone is full of confidence, happiness and love.

We usually have both in us, so-called negative energies and so-called positive ones, whereby „negative“ and „positive“ are conceptual terms that can be considered metaphorical at best.

In fact everything is an energy, only it oscillates in different frequencies. So instead of speaking of negative and positive energies, it is better to speak of low vibrating and high vibrating energies. So our emotional world is also subject to the dualistic principle, through a mixture of high and low vibrating energies (fast and slow flowing prana).

Klartraum, Klarträumen, Klartraum Berichte, Klarträumen lernen, Astralreisen, Ayahuasca, Kundalini, Corona, Bill & Melinda Gates, Robert. F. Kennedy, Impfen, Angst, Propaganda, 5G, Smart Dust, Ärzte für Aufklärung

In my more than 30 ayahuasca ceremonies I have dedicated myself again and again to the principle of duality. I had my first encounter with the subject during my 5th ceremony. I died an ego-death for the first time and when I was completely exhausted and powerless I glided into the light calling for God. A golden shrine appeared before me, radiating love and warmth. Then the shrine turned into a dark, bizarre looking box. Then it became the golden shrine again and then again the black box.

I understood that God is both light and love, but also the dark and destructive.

God is everything that is and therefore also that which we call negative or demonic according to our acquired criteria of judgement. In fact there is nothing demonic in the universe, there is only this one, divine (multi-) universe – which is God. What is negative for us, because it supposedly harms us, does good for others in the universe, the „demons“ for example. They too have their task in God’s universe, they do the dirty work. They belong to the negative pool of duality, while the light beings belong to the positive pool. This is also a concept, for us, for understanding. Because

from a divine point of view there is not even duality, only energy.

In many ceremonies I had repeated encounters with demonic-looking creatures and each time I fought an inner battle against them, which always ended in me puking my soul out of my body. One day I chose a different path. I faced them and asked who they are. The answer was, we are here to help you. Another being, a dragon that I couldn’t get rid of despite all my efforts, including energetic purification by the shaman, told me you can’t throw me out, cause I belong to you (I know by now that it’s the kundalini spirit). Meanwhile I have often communicated with these beings and understand their work during the ceremonies.

Shadow beings, demons, whatever you want to call them, feed on bad energy, its their cryptonite, so to speak. And where do they find more cryptonite than at ayahuasca ceremonies, where 30-40 people blast huge amounts of negative energy around?

In one of my last ceremonies, I saw in a big silvery black octopus sucking up the bad energy in the room. Insect beings, in turn, punched small holes into my lower energy body, which made it easier for me to purge. They are helper demons, who prepare us for the subsequent work of the light beings – nobody comes „dirty“ into the light planes. The helper demons cleanse us by taking the negative energies out of us. They make us sweat, puke, scream, cry – whatever helps to get rid of the energetic baggage we are carrying with us.

Klartraum, Klarträumen, Klartraum Berichte, Klarträumen lernen, Astralreisen, Ayahuasca, Kundalini, Corona, Bill & Melinda Gates, Robert. F. Kennedy, Impfen, Angst, Propaganda, 5G, Smart Dust, Ärzte für Aufklärung

Demons do not occupy anyone. They can stay with a person for a long time, even for years, if this person permanently produces negative energies due to his way of life and mental attitude (fear, hate, greed, envy, jealousy).

Shadow beings don’t let themselfes be invited to the table twice, and if the table is richly set throughout, then this person becomes their personal favourite restaurant.

But these „visits“ are not occupations. If someone believes to be occupied by demons, it is their own fear that has manifested itself as dark energy, but not an external occupation. The goal of shadow beings is not to become light beings, duality does not work that way. Shadow beings are part of one pool of duality and light beings of the other. Between them an energetic field of tension is created, which in turn represents the divine universe. If the „dark“ side did not exist, everything would collapse – just as it would if the world consisted only of light and love.

Like a white sheet of paper with something written on it with black ink, they need each other to become a complete act of creation (in this case a message).

And so we need our demons just as we need our friends from the world of light. Some free us from old, bad energy, while others supply us with fresh energy.

Klartraum, Klarträumen, Klartraum Berichte, Klarträumen lernen, Astralreisen, Ayahuasca, Kundalini, Corona, Bill & Melinda Gates, Robert. F. Kennedy, Impfen, Angst, Propaganda, 5G, Smart Dust, Ärzte für Aufklärung
where there is light, there is also shadow